Thursday, June 3, 2010

The farm at the end of the road.

We were all excited to go on a bus ride to the Telstra Centre in Manukau to see The Farm at the End of the Road puppet show. Here are the children's responses.
I saw the pupper show and I liked it. I liked the dog. GH
The farmer is funny. He pulled the cow's bottom. RC
The farm at the end of the road. DB
I like the part when the man pulled the cow's tail. PP
I watched the puppet show. JF
I sat next to Scott at the puppet show. NP
The farm at the end of the road. I sat next to Rafe. MB
The farm was fun and it was noisy. I liked it. WC
I sat beside Nathan P and I was watching the show and I saw the farm at the end of the road. SR
The farmer pulled the cow's tail. CM
I like the cat. NS
I liked it when the animals said "Hands on your butt!" MP
I like it when the farmer pulled the cow's tail. MvdM
I like the cow. LA
I like the moon bright in the sky. RP